Rockhampton Airport will waive the car parking fees associated for patients or their carers who travel under the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) through Queensland Health. Am I Eligible? To be eligible you must have your PTSS Specialist Certification Form which has been signed by your specialist. If you are not eligible for this form unfortunately you are not eligible for the car park fee waiver. Eligibility for the PTSS is through Queensland Health. Please check their website for more information or contact them on 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84). Where Do I Park? For short stays please park in the Short Term Car Park, however for longer stays of over 5 days please park in the Mid Term or Long Term Car Parks. You are able to drop off your passenger in the Short Term Car Park disability bays, however you must then relocate your car to a designated car park. Car Park Map(PDF, 2MB) If you require assistance or the use of a wheelchair contact the Customer Service Officer on 0438 743 603. This waiver does not include the covered car park. How Does it Work? We understand that this may be a stressful time and we certainly do not wish to add to this. Council would like to make it as easy as possible, therefore we do not require any further paperwork to be submitted, we simply ask the following: